Friday, January 23, 2009

New Photography Name

Well, I have been thinking alot lately. Thinking about a new name. I will stick with Christine, but I am going to change the photography thing from Abundant Blessings to ABE PHOTOGRAPHY. That would be pronounced Ahbay Photography. I have been wanting to switch it for sometime now to something more shorter and well - a more simple name. I know that Abundant Blessings is a simple name, but I just needed something shorter, and I was also thinking of people that may not want to get their pictures done thru a place called Abundant Blessings. I loved the name, and I have been so Abundantly Blessed with this family, and extended family and much more, but somehow God gave me this new name at 3:00 in the morning while I was rocking Elise. I wasnt even thinking about a name and it popped into my head. So I really feel that this name has been given to me to use. So in all due - Abe Photography it is.

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