Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Conversation of the day

We were driving down the road yesterday, and all of us girls like to talk and sing as we are going down the road.
A conversation started with Averie... " Mom...why did God create bees, crickets, and flys?"
MOM.. " well, God created bees for the honey that we eat, crickets
for their pretty songs that they sing at night, and flys...
well... I will have to get back to you on that one."
BRAEDY... "mom... God created the sky, our hearts, trees, plants,
animals, and everything, He sure was busy wasnt he?"
BRAEDY..."mom... God should take a REST!!!"

If anyone knows why God created flys, please get back to me on that one. We know he had a purpose for making them, but I am not sure why.

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