Saturday, July 12, 2008

Another week done and gone

WHEW!!! What a day!!! But, a fun day that is. It just seems like these weeks are flying by, and the summer is half over, it is a cryin shame!!! But, on the other hand how many more days until school starts!! These monkeys need to go back to their banana tree for a while during the day!!!

Well, Braedy had a really fun morning. Full of Hannah Montana, makeup and making flip flops. Next time I do a party though, remind me that it takes more than one person to run a party with 6 girls at it, and they all need help making their flip flops. They were all so cute when they were done though. Then we went to a family reunion on my moms side with people that I havent seen in over a decade!!! I didnt know half of them, but its good to act like you know them. Oh well, it was a fun day all in all. And, now I have the baby sleeping peacefully, while I look in and watch her peacefully sleep, it reminds me that I only have 5 more days of babyhood and then she will take over the toddlerhood - YIKES!!!! Looking forward to it. The other two scondrals think they can stay up until 11:00 tonight watching a movie. Lets see how long that lasts until the first eyeball starts drooping!!!

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