Thursday, June 12, 2008

2 posts in one day : )

I know - two posts in one day. But all bittersweetness is involved. As I am sitting here typing this blog my girlies are playing house - yes the basement is utter disaster zone - but who cares they are having fun and not fighting - what not fighting - jot that one in the book!!! Anyway, as they are sitting there eating their dinner while playing house - Braedyn says a prayer I did not catch all of it - but what I did hear her say is "Be with all of us and keep us safe, and help us to obey and be nice to our mom and dad." If only they werent playing and that was a real prayer - what amazement that would be!!!! Bless her heart for trying to play though!!! Maybe someday that will be a real prayer from one of them. Lets not count our chickens before their hatched though.

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